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What are probiotics ?

What are probiotics ?

Probiotics, often referred to as ‘good bacteria’, are living micro-organisms that offer a multitude of health benefits when consumed in sufficient quantities. These microscopic creatures reside naturally in our bodies, mainly in our intestines, but also in other areas such as the mouth and skin.

How do they work ?

Probiotics work by maintaining or restoring the balance of the microbial flora, also known as the microbiota. This balance is crucial for good digestion, enhanced immunity and better overall health. When our microbiota is disturbed, whether by poor diet, stress or antibiotics, probiotics can help restore this balance.

The different types of probiotics

Among the many strains of probiotics, some of the most common are :

Lactobacillus: Ideal for digestive and immune health.

Bifidobacterium: Known for its positive effects on the digestive system.

Streptococcus thermophilus: Used in the production of fermented dairy products.

Sources of probiotics

Probiotics are found in certain fermented foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut and miso. They are also available in the form of food supplements for easy daily consumption.

In short, probiotics play an essential role in maintaining our internal balance, supporting our well-being in many ways.


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