Here’s our quiz! The goal is to enhance your experience, and for that, we need your help. Are you ready to participate and help make our brand your brand? Together, let’s create the best brand with your input!
What motivated you to purchase our oral spray ?
How old are you ?
Have you used a similar product before?
Which feature of our spray appealed to you the most when making your purchase ?
Are you satisfied with your experience ?
Did you have any doubts before ordering our product? If so, what were they?
Did you easily find the information you needed to make your purchase decision?
How did you find the ease of use of our website when completing your purchase ?
On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the effectiveness of our spray in eliminating odours?
Did you notice a significant difference in the freshness of your breath after each use ?
Would you say that our spray helps you feel more confident in your social interactions ?
Would you recommend our spray to a friend or colleague? Why or why not?
Where did you hear about us?
Thank you for your valuable help. Together, we’re going to revolutionize oral hygiene.